Through-the-floor installation maximizes the efficiency of these
dispersers by placing the raw materials on the mezzanine by the top
of the tank for the operator to easily charge the mix while having
the disperser controls within easy reach. The processed products are
then easily packaged at the lower level due to gravity flow.
Dantco Engineering Department will assist the customer in designing
the mezzanine for safe access and efficient operation. Remote sensors
and controls may be incorporated in the overall design to aid in the
system automation. Pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic logic component
may be used to achieve optimum system operation in an explosion proof
or non explosion proof environment.
- Lift with rise to clear tank
- Remote speed control, EX
- Start/stop station, EX
- Analog ammeter, EX
- Analog tachometer
- Rotek bearing, easy swing
- Pneumatic head locks
- Starter, NEMA 1
- Installation (set-in-place)
Model DSR-TF-1000-70/63-1.3-EXSS
100 HP Variable Speed
Model DSR-TF-500
50 HP Variable Speed
Model DSR-TF-1000
100 HP Variable Speed |